Agent indication description

Ethernet interface (10/100Base-T)

There is a standard Ehernet connection indicators set placed on Agent board. Ethernet interface used for data exchange between Agent board and SNT software. #LINK

Indication Description
LINK On - connection established. Flashing - data exchange in a progress. Off - no connection
10/100 On - connection established at 100 Mbps (normal state).
Off - connection established at 10 Mbps (degraded state)
FDUP On - full duplex mode (normal state).
Off - half duplex mode (degraded state, try to change network board media configuration, or replce cable)
COLL Off - normal state. Flashing, On - network collision detected. May occure when ethetnet hub (not swith) used. We recommends use direct connection between network card and Agent board or ethernet switch if not possible.

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TranslationStatus? Absent
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Topic revision: r6 - 2008-05-20 - 12:55:33 - IlyaDanilov
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