TWiki> TWiki Web>TWikiDocGraphics (revision 33)EditAttach

TWiki Documentation Graphics

This is one way to create a library of common icons, accessible through user-defined TWikiVariables set in WebPreferences, or in TWikiPreferences for site-wide use.

There are other approaches as well:

In this example, TWikiDocGraphics - this topic - acts as the icon library. Graphics are uploaded and displayed. Then, the paths are set in TWiki.TWikiPreferences#DocGraphics for site-wide access. You can also create individual library pages in each web. And you don't have to restrict yourself to graphics: Preferences Variables can include text and links to any type of file.

Icon File Name Comment
help.gif help.gif Help
note.gif note.gif Note
bubble.gif bubble.gif Speech bubble
tip.gif tip.gif Tip / Idea
warning.gif warning.gif Warning / Important
stop.gif stop.gif Stop
target.gif target.gif Blue target
gear.gif gear.gif Gear
wrench.gif wrench.gif Wrench
pencil.gif pencil.gif Refactor / Edit
choice-yes.gif choice-yes.gif Yes / Done
choice-no.gif choice-no.gif No
choice-cancel.gif choice-cancel.gif Cancel
updated.gif updated.gif Updated
new.gif new.gif New
starred.gif starred.gif Highlight (positive)
stargold.gif stargold.gif Favorites (gold star)
hand.gif hand.gif Pointing hand
arrowleft.gif arrowleft.gif Arrow red left
arrowright.gif arrowright.gif Arrow red right
arrowup.gif arrowup.gif Arrow red up
arrowdown.gif arrowdown.gif Arrow red down
arrowbleft.gif arrowbleft.gif Arrow blue left
arrowbright.gif arrowbright.gif Arrow blue right
arrowbup.gif arrowbup.gif Arrow blue up
arrowbdown.gif arrowbdown.gif Arrow blue down
arrowdot.gif arrowdot.gif Meet here (arrows to red dot)
go_start.gif go_start.gif Go start
go_fb.gif go_fb.gif Go fast back
go_back.gif go_back.gif Go back
go_forward.gif go_forward.gif Go forward
go_ff.gif go_ff.gif Go fast forward
go_end.gif go_end.gif Go end
wip.gif wip.gif Work in progress
rfc.gif rfc.gif Request for comments
days.gif days.gif Days
hourglass.gif hourglass.gif Hour glass
watch.gif watch.gif Watch
globe.gif globe.gif Globe
home.gif home.gif Home
group.gif group.gif Group
person.gif person.gif Person
persons.gif persons.gif Persons
lock.gif lock.gif Lock
folder.gif folder.gif Folder
lockfolder.gif lockfolder.gif Locked folder
lockfoldergray.gif lockfoldergray.gif Locked folder, gray
locktopic.gif locktopic.gif Locked topic
locktopicgray.gif locktopicgray.gif Locked topic, gray
refreshtopic.gif refreshtopic.gif Refresh topic
viewtopic.gif viewtopic.gif View topic
edittopic.gif edittopic.gif Edit topic
topicdiffs.gif topicdiffs.gif Topic difference
topicbacklinks.gif topicbacklinks.gif Topic back-links
newtopic.gif newtopic.gif New topic
searchtopic.gif searchtopic.gif Search topic
statistics.gif statistics.gif Statistics
index.gif index.gif Index
indexlist.gif indexlist.gif Index list
cachetopic.gif cachetopic.gif Cache topic
printtopic.gif printtopic.gif Print topic
attachfile.gif attachfile.gif Attach file
recentchanges.gif recentchanges.gif Recent changes
changes.gif changes.gif Changes
notify.gif notify.gif Notify
mail.gif mail.gif Mail
trash.gif trash.gif Trash
rss-feed.gif rss-feed.gif RSS feed 36x14
xml-feed.gif xml-feed.gif RSS feed 36x14
empty.gif empty.gif Empty transparent 16x16 spacer
line_ud.gif line_ud.gif Line graph up-down
line_lr.gif line_lr.gif Line graph left-right
line_udlr.gif line_udlr.gif Line graph up-down-left-right
line_ur.gif line_ur.gif Line graph up-right
line_rd.gif line_rd.gif Line graph right-down
line_ld.gif line_ld.gif Line graph left-down
line_ul.gif line_ul.gif Line graph up-left
line_udr.gif line_udr.gif Line graph up-down-right
line_lrd.gif line_lrd.gif Line graph left-right-down
line_udl.gif line_udl.gif Line graph up-down-left
line_ulr.gif line_ulr.gif Line graph up-left-right
dot_ud.gif dot_ud.gif Dot graph up-down
dot_lr.gif dot_lr.gif Dot graph left-right
dot_udlr.gif dot_udlr.gif Dot graph up-down-left-right
dot_ur.gif dot_ur.gif Dot graph up-right
dot_rd.gif dot_rd.gif Dot graph right-down
dot_ld.gif dot_ld.gif Dot graph left-down
dot_ul.gif dot_ul.gif Dot graph up-left
dot_udr.gif dot_udr.gif Dot graph up-down-right
dot_lrd.gif dot_lrd.gif Dot graph left-right-down
dot_udl.gif dot_udl.gif Dot graph up-down-left
dot_ulr.gif dot_ulr.gif Dot graph up-left-right

-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 06 Aug 2004
-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 16 May 2002

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
gifgif arrowbdown.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:58 PeterThoeny? Arrow blue down
gifgif arrowbleft.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:57 PeterThoeny? Arrow blue left
gifgif arrowbright.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:54 PeterThoeny? Arrow blue right
gifgif arrowbup.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:58 PeterThoeny? Arrow blue up
gifgif arrowdot.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-01-12 - 00:58 PeterThoeny? Arrows to red dot
gifgif arrowdown.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:53 PeterThoeny? Arrow red down
gifgif arrowleft.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:56 PeterThoeny? Arrow red left
gifgif arrowright.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:52 PeterThoeny? Arrow red right
gifgif arrowup.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:59 PeterThoeny? Arrow red up
gifgif attachfile.gif manage 0.2 K 2003-01-18 - 10:16 PeterThoeny? Attach file
gifgif bubble.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 08:59 PeterThoeny? Speech bubble
gifgif cachetopic.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-07-15 - 06:29 PeterThoeny? Cache topic
gifgif changes.gif manage 0.2 K 2003-03-07 - 09:10 PeterThoeny? Changes
gifgif choice-cancel.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-01-12 - 09:52 PeterThoeny? Cancel
gifgif choice-no.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-01-12 - 09:52 PeterThoeny? No
gifgif choice-yes.gif manage 0.1 K 2002-05-16 - 10:58 MikeMannix? Green checkmark - DONE
gifgif days.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-06-08 - 01:51 PeterThoeny? Days
gifgif dot_ld.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:35 PeterThoeny? Dot graph left-down
gifgif dot_lr.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:34 PeterThoeny? Dot graph left-right
gifgif dot_lrd.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:35 PeterThoeny? Dot graph left-right-down
gifgif dot_rd.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:35 PeterThoeny? Dot graph right-down
gifgif dot_ud.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:34 PeterThoeny? Dot graph up-down
gifgif dot_udl.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:36 PeterThoeny? Dot graph up-down-left
gifgif dot_udlr.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:34 PeterThoeny? Dot graph up-down-left-right
gifgif dot_udr.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:35 PeterThoeny? Dot graph up-down-right
gifgif dot_ul.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:35 PeterThoeny? Dot graph up-left
gifgif dot_ulr.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:36 PeterThoeny? Dot graph up-left-right
gifgif dot_ur.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:34 PeterThoeny? Dot graph up-right
gifgif edittopic.gif manage 0.9 K 2002-10-31 - 06:27 PeterThoeny? Edit topic
gifgif empty.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-18 - 03:45 PeterThoeny? Empty transparent 16x16 spacer
gifgif folder.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-01-29 - 11:15 PeterThoeny? Folder
gifgif gear.gif manage 0.2 K 2004-08-07 - 05:33 PeterThoeny? Gear
gifgif globe.gif manage 1.0 K 2004-01-29 - 11:15 PeterThoeny? Globe
gifgif go_back.gif manage 0.8 K 2004-03-28 - 13:01 PeterThoeny? Go back
gifgif go_end.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:54 PeterThoeny? Go end
gifgif go_fb.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:58 PeterThoeny? Go fast back
gifgif go_ff.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:55 PeterThoeny? Go fast forward
gifgif go_forward.gif manage 0.8 K 2004-03-28 - 12:59 PeterThoeny? Go forward
gifgif go_start.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:58 PeterThoeny? Go start
gifgif group.gif manage 0.2 K 2004-04-11 - 08:10 PeterThoeny? Group
gifgif hand.gif manage 0.2 K 2004-04-11 - 07:58 PeterThoeny? Pointing hand
gifgif help.gif manage 0.1 K 2001-09-28 - 04:40 MikeMannix? Help
gifgif home.gif manage 0.2 K 2003-03-07 - 09:10 PeterThoeny? Home
gifgif hourglass.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-06-08 - 01:55 PeterThoeny? Hour glass
gifgif index.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-08-15 - 10:39 PeterThoeny? Index
gifgif indexlist.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-08-15 - 10:40 PeterThoeny? Index list
gifgif line_ld.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:09 PeterThoeny? Line graph left-down
gifgif line_lr.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:08 PeterThoeny? Line graph left-right
gifgif line_lrd.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:10 PeterThoeny? Line graph left-right-down
gifgif line_rd.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:08 PeterThoeny? Line graph right-down
gifgif line_ud.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:07 PeterThoeny? Line graph up-down
gifgif line_udl.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:10 PeterThoeny? Line graph up-down-left
gifgif line_udlr.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:08 PeterThoeny? Line graph up-down-left-right
gifgif line_udr.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:09 PeterThoeny? Line graph up-down-right
gifgif line_ul.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:09 PeterThoeny? Line graph up-left
gifgif line_ulr.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:10 PeterThoeny? Line graph up-left-right
gifgif line_ur.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-11-25 - 05:08 PeterThoeny? Line graph up-right
gifgif lock.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-27 - 03:05 PeterThoeny? Lock
gifgif lockfolder.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-27 - 03:06 PeterThoeny? Locked folder
gifgif lockfoldergray.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-27 - 03:05 PeterThoeny? Locked folder, gray
gifgif locktopic.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-27 - 03:10 PeterThoeny? Locked topic
gifgif locktopicgray.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-27 - 03:12 PeterThoeny? Locked topic, gray
gifgif mail.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-01-12 - 02:33 PeterThoeny? Mail
gifgif new.gif manage 0.2 K 2002-04-14 - 11:17 PeterThoeny? New
gifgif newtopic.gif manage 0.2 K 2003-01-22 - 04:51 PeterThoeny? New topic
gifgif note.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-24 - 05:18 PeterThoeny? Note
gifgif notify.gif manage 0.2 K 2003-03-08 - 09:00 PeterThoeny? Notify
gifgif pencil.gif manage 0.2 K 2002-04-14 - 11:17 PeterThoeny? Pencil
gifgif person.gif manage 0.1 K 2004-04-11 - 08:11 PeterThoeny? Person
gifgif persons.gif manage 0.2 K 2004-04-11 - 08:11 PeterThoeny? Persons
gifgif printtopic.gif manage 0.1 K 2003-01-18 - 10:15 PeterThoeny? Print topic
gifgif recentchanges.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-24 - 05:19 PeterThoeny? Recent Changes
gifgif refreshtopic.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 09:02 PeterThoeny? Refresh topic
gifgif rfc.gif manage 0.2 K 2003-06-08 - 01:50 PeterThoeny? Request for comments
gifgif rss-feed.gif manage 0.7 K 2004-08-07 - 05:32 PeterThoeny? RSS feed 36x14
gifgif searchtopic.gif manage 0.2 K 2003-01-18 - 10:15 PeterThoeny? Search topic
gifgif stargold.gif manage 0.2 K 2003-10-01 - 10:10 PeterThoeny? Favorites
gifgif starred.gif manage 0.1 K 2002-04-14 - 11:18 PeterThoeny? Star
gifgif statistics.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-08-15 - 10:39 PeterThoeny? Statistics
gifgif stop.gif manage 0.9 K 2003-04-24 - 07:42 PeterThoeny? Stop
gifgif target.gif manage 0.2 K 2004-02-26 - 03:48 PeterThoeny? Blue Target
gifgif tip.gif manage 0.1 K 2001-12-03 - 09:15 MikeMannix? Tip
gifgif topicbacklinks.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-01-12 - 00:59 PeterThoeny? Topic back-links
gifgif topicdiffs.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-01-12 - 00:59 PeterThoeny? Topic difference
gifgif trash.gif manage 0.9 K 2004-03-28 - 12:55 PeterThoeny? Trash
gifgif updated.gif manage 0.3 K 2002-04-14 - 11:17 PeterThoeny? Updated
gifgif viewtopic.gif manage 0.9 K 2002-10-31 - 06:27 PeterThoeny? View topic
gifgif warning.gif manage 0.1 K 2001-09-28 - 04:41 MikeMannix? Warning
gifgif watch.gif manage 0.9 K 2003-04-24 - 08:49 PeterThoeny? Watch
gifgif wip.gif manage 0.2 K 2003-06-08 - 01:49 PeterThoeny? Work in progress
gifgif wrench.gif manage 0.2 K 2004-08-07 - 05:33 PeterThoeny? Wrench
gifgif xml-feed.gif manage 0.4 K 2004-08-07 - 05:33 PeterThoeny? XML feed 36x14
Edit | Attach | Print version | History: r38 | r35 < r34 < r33 < r32 | Backlinks | Raw View | More topic actions...
Topic revision: r33 - 2004-08-15 - 10:42:07 - PeterThoeny?
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