SNT software is unable to find any interface board
In a case of appearing error message
=Ошибка инициализации интерфейсного модуля. Возможно модуль не
подключен к компьютеру или не включено питание=, please, check following:
1. Agent board
not powered. Tere is a "Power" indicator on a board. If it is not green (actually, off, as all other lamps on an interface board), check power path condition:
- For boards with a 48V powering option, it should be connected to the power adapter [], that must be powered too (usually, SNT-7531, SNTlite, SNTsmart) or it should be connected to PoE? switch [], that sould provide powering for corresponding ethernet port (usually, SPIDER systems)
- For boards with a 5V powering option, check connection to USB using
USB+Ethernet-to-PoE Ethernet
connector or modified USB-to-Ethernet
adapter (depedns on analyzer pack specification).
- Broken network connection between Agent-E1 board and NIC.
Check LINK indication lamp on an Agent board. Check connection between network card and Agent board: cable must be operational (no mechanical defects) and have network crossover pinout.
- Agent-E1 interface board can't obtain IP-address. Check
indication on an interface board: when flashing, interface board waiting for IP assigning:
- in a case of direct wire connection between Agent-E1 board and PC, where SNT software installed, IP-address assigning provides by internal DHCP service (the part of installed SNT software). This service works only with network cards, that NOT configured to obtain IP-address automatically (check this:
Start -> Settings -> Network connections -> Local Area Connection [name] -> Properties
, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
, then Properties
again and "Common" tab). Please, check network card system settings, it must conform this description.
- if direct wire connection between SNT PC and Agent-E1 not used, it is nesessary to provide IP-address assigning by local network DHCP server or provide network connectivity between SNT software and Agent-E1 board. See more detailed about this situation here? .
See also:
Topic revision: r8 - 2008-07-02 - 14:08:50 -